Sunday, August 10, 2008

What? You don’t know what a hover bike is?
Well, that’s understandable because currently there is just a prototype in the world but the hover bike has the potential to become the most dazzling gadget anyone ever saw. After four years of development it has finally started test runs and people are falling in love with it wherever it has been shown.
It is powered by the same fundamental principle as a hover craft and it has a large foam base that thrusts the thing off the ground and gives it the power to thrust forward simultaneously.
It may look great but I think we need to get some crucial questions answered.
According to Jim Chalmers, the man behind the bike it should do up to 50 MPH but it is quite a fun time to meander around at lower speeds around 30-35
Handling-wise it is very sensitive. It turns rather sharply, it will spin around in a circle if you want and you can propel it forward towards any direction you might be facing.
When these do arrive they will be an interesting ride for anybody. They are particularly unique in that the rider stands while operating!

I assure you that this is legit. But there is no set date for release. It required four years to create the first one. It probably will not be allowed on highways with a maximum speed of 50? And what does one do when it rains? Will it have an umbrella built in? And won’t the rain bounce up into the air stream from the jets underneath and result in a seriously bumpy ride? And I imagine that it will be welcomed by people under fifty years old or so but I can’t conceive of granny scooting around in her hover bike and our one should consider our population is getting older and older. And what will be the ticket for one of these exhilarating gadgets??

Well, it may be ideal for everyone but let me show you something that was never any good for anybody. This is one of the corniest 1950s television commercials I ever saw! Yikes! It is all about the Edsen Hover Car! lol I have no doubt that this was the thing that made it possible to “beat those Ruskies”! (as it says in the commercial)

Well this was a fun change of pace from my usual articles which focus on the most realistic, inexpensive and advantageous inventions ever discovered to assist you to get lower gas consumption clean your emissions and enable your car to operate more efficiently.

In the mean time, WATER4GAS is providing information at a low price which consumers can use in their garage or wherever to build a small gizmo which instills hydrogen into the gas/air mixture that their car or truck runs on.
The process makes bite sized particles out of the particles that the system burns as fuel. Because of the smaller size the engine is able to use considerably more of it.
By doing this you can reasonably expect to reduce your gas consumption by 12%. In reality though many are obtaining 30-50% improvement or significantly more. Those goblets "musta" been pretty darn big in some engines before. But with WATER4GAS they are made consumable so you can reduce your gas consumption.
It also helps to lower emissions significantly.
This package of info has been purchased by over 9000 people already and happy members number about 99%! So that's pretty electric!

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